Month: May 2015
Sunday Spotlight for May 24, 2015
Hi all, Been out of town/busy this last couple weeks – I’d hoped to have some spotlights queued up, but didn’t manage to, I’m sorry! But we’re back this week, and starting off with a video of Prokofiev playing his Prelude, Op. 12 No. 7. This particular prelude (the 7th of 10) was written for…
Harp Tuesday ep. 93 with special guest Robin Ward
While I was in Rio I had a chance to sit down with harpist and harp maker Robin Ward and ask him about the triple harp!
Rio Harp Festival – days 2 – 4 (I think?)
I’ve finished my concerts for the Rio Harp Festival – they all went very well (and I was especially pleased to have the Canadian Consul General attend my last concert). I’ll try and get some video coverage up once I get home (I leave the 16th, but of course by the time I arrive back…
Rio Harp Festival 2015 – day 1
Yesterday (Friday) was my first performance. A few pics: Backstage – a little jet-lagged, but ready to go! On-stage!
Traveling to Rio
Hi all, I’m traveling down to Brazil for the Rio Harp Festival again this year. I’ll be blogging about my trip – starting with some photos of the (20+hour) trip down! At the Victoria Airport Leaving Victoria In Vancouver Leaving Vancouver Over the Rockies! Toronto Rio!
April Newsletter
I just sent out my April newsletter – you can read it below. If you’d like to sign up to get emails from me, here’s the link! Cheers, Josh ————————————————————————————– Hello everyone, It’s been much too long since I last wrote! I hope you’re having a wonderful start to 2015. Let me tell you about…
Catching up on Harp Tuesday and Slow Motion Monday
Since I last updated I’ve recorded a new Harp Tuesday episode: And two new Slow Motion Monday videos!