Month: July 2017

  • Somerset Harp Festival is fast approaching!

    I’m performing and teaching at the Somerset Harp Festival, happening very soon on July 20-23, 2017. I’m looking forward to it very much, here’s my schedule: Thursday (July 20) I perform at 7:30 pm (25 minute set) Friday I teach a workshop at 3:30pm-5pm “Listening and leadsheets” (ensemble) Saturday I teach: 9:30 am -11am “Cracking…

  • Catching up on Rio, part 3

    Part 1 Part 2 Enjoying myself in Rio:   No selfies on the way back, but some photos from the plane:

  • Catching up on Rio, part 2

    (part 1) My performances went well – here’s the world premiere of my short composition Forgotten Summer: And snippet from my closing performances of Passage: Was great to have Evelyne Coulombe, Consul General of Canada in Rio, attend my performance at the Justica Federal Cultural Centre. Support from the Canadian Embassy made my appearance at…

  • Catching up on Rio, part 1

    Hi all, I’ve been rather lax at posting photos from my trip to the Rio Harp Festival. Remedying that now – wanted to get these up before I head off on my next adventure, teaching and performing at the Somerset Harp Festival July 20-23! So, traditional airport selfies on my way down to Rio: Victoria:…