Category: Composing

  • Season Finale for Harpist in the Wild, season 3! (So many things to catch up on…)

    I’ve just published the sheet music for my composition Nordic Spaces, as well as a music video – the 8th and final episode of season 3 of Harpist in the Wild. So happy to share this with you! I’ve been very behind at posting – let me highlight episode 5 of this season which also…

  • New music book, plus a new composition!

    I’ve just published a new book, Transcriptions for Lever Harp, Volume 1! Music by Bach, Godefroid, Handel, and Naderman – it’s available right now as a PDF. And I’ve also published the sheet music to my newest composition, Uncharted Shores!

  • Cotton Butterfly video!

    The premiere of the harp and cello version of my composition “Cotton Butterfly” with the wonderful Paula Kiffner on cello! I originally wrote Cotton Butterfly for harp and double-bass, which is a great combination, but I’m thrilled with how the piece sounds with harp and cello. Cotton Butterfly tells a story – starting with the…

  • Upcoming concerts – “Cotton Butterfly,” Brahms

    I have several concerts coming up that I want to share with you! Land, Sea, and Sky is a concert featuring local composers, with each piece on the program dedicated to a conservation group.  I’ll be performing my piece Cotton Butterfly (dedicated to the Natural History Society) with wonderful ‘cellist Paula Kiffner.  I originally wrote…

  • Fun weekend in Vancouver

    Spent a fun weekend in Vancouver last week – complete with a sprinkling of snow :) Gave a masterclass for some of Miya Otake‘s students on Saturday and then on Sunday I played a house concert with my brother Robin.  We used to do concerts together when we both lived in Victoria – the combination…

  • Bach and Butterflies – concert in Victoria, BC (Canada)

    I’m performing a concert here in Victoria on Nov. 1st that I’m very excited about.  The program includes the world premiere of a piece I wrote last year for harp and double-bass.  Thrilled to be working with the amazing Mark Haney for ‘Cotton Butterfly‘ plus Arvo Pärt’s ‘Spiegel im Spiegel‘ Here’s the poster: And all…

  • New composition – Poem for solo harp

    Sorry for the lack of blog posts!  Got some more stuff in the works, but in the meantime, here’s the opening section of a piece I finished writing a few weeks ago. Poem for solo harp Enjoy!

  • A current composition

    Here’s a short snippet of a composition I’m working on right now