Category: Rio Harp Festival 2017

  • Catching up on Rio, part 3

    Part 1 Part 2 Enjoying myself in Rio:   No selfies on the way back, but some photos from the plane:

  • Catching up on Rio, part 2

    (part 1) My performances went well – here’s the world premiere of my short composition Forgotten Summer: And snippet from my closing performances of Passage: Was great to have Evelyne Coulombe, Consul General of Canada in Rio, attend my performance at the Justica Federal Cultural Centre. Support from the Canadian Embassy made my appearance at…

  • Catching up on Rio, part 1

    Hi all, I’ve been rather lax at posting photos from my trip to the Rio Harp Festival. Remedying that now – wanted to get these up before I head off on my next adventure, teaching and performing at the Somerset Harp Festival July 20-23! So, traditional airport selfies on my way down to Rio: Victoria:…

  • Return to Rio!

    I’m excited to be returning to Rio de Janeiro to perform at the 12th Rio International Harp Festival! I’ll be performing May 8, 9, and 10th, playing this program: Will be posting photos from my trip – stay tuned! A special thank you to the Canadian consulate in Rio for helping make my appearance possible…