River Flows in You, Hannover event on Sunday, and more

Episode 3 of this season of Harpist in the Wild features guest star Lena Rummel for a duet version of Yiruma’s River Flows in You. Lena and I played this last year as part of a duo concert on two pedal harps, and then filmed this version on small harps next to a stream.

Lena herself fearless went out on a fallen tree over the stream to film during that same session – check out this improv!

Stay tuned for next week and another duet with Lena, this time feature her own composition, Bodenseewellen.

And if you missed it, check out last week’s episode featuring a jam session with the wonderful Adriano Sangineto!

Concert this Sunday in Hannover!

I’m in Hannnover, Germany, on Sunday, September 22nd to teach a couple workshops for the Niedersächsische Harfenakademie and perform a solo concert. The event takes place at Hölderlin Eins, Hannover, and the concert starts at 5pm – see you there :)

I’ve posted a couple of short clips from last weekend when I had a three concerts in the Dortmund area – the opening moments from the Adagio of Rodrigo’s Guitar Concerto and a section towards the end of Salzedo’s Variations on a Theme in the Ancient Style. Hear the entirety of both pieces on Sunday or at any of my upcoming solo performances :)

Connected Continents workshop weekend in Kißlegg – Oct 4&5 

This is coming up soon! The first Connected Continents event in August was a big success and I’m looking forward to doing it again in Kißlegg, Germany, at the start of October. A beautiful area, near both Austria and Switzerland.

There’s still space available – if you’re looking to kickstart your fall harp learning this weekend is a great way to do so! Something for everyone, check out the schedule:

If you’re on instagram, Lena posted a great video with highlights from the Lohmar weekend.

I’ll close with a photo of me hanging out with Bach in Leipzig ;)

Thanks as always for reading!




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